sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2009


FORBES E MARSHALL, Directory of Southampton. 1855.
15, High-street (adjoinining the Crown Hotel),
IN tendering thanks for the flattering patronage bestowed on him by the Nobility, gentry, Visitors, and Public generally, begs respectfully to intimate that his Rooms continue open, where Daguerreotypes of the first class are taken daily, in a few seconds, irrespective of weather: sunshine not being necessary (as many erroneously suppose) to the production of good Pictures.

Mr. B., having had great practical experience as a Daguerreotypist, is enabled to produde likenesses of the most pleasing character, which resemble miniature paintings, and yet possess tha degree of truth which it is impossible to produce by any other means than Daguerrean Art. As coloring was all that was wanting at first, that desideratum being now supplied with rich, flesh-like tints, nature may now be delineated with mathematical certainty; standing out in extreme clearness, combined with exquisite sharpness, giving them altogether a truly life-like appereance: and whem seen through the Binocular instrument of Professor Wheatstone, present the aspect of real and tangible objects, standing out in high relief. Two portraits simultaneously taken at slightly different angles, present in the Stereoscope a single picture, producing by this coincidence the most wonderful effect, and having the exact resemblance of a real statue: this astonishing instrument must be seen to be appreciated.

These pictures are warranted not to fade in the slightest degree. By the Proprietor's new fixing process they are rendered durable as marble, and lasting as the works of the most illustrious Artists!

Mr. B. begs to offer the following suggestions relativ to dress, &c., as calculated to produce agreeable Pictures and suited to the peculiarities of the Daguerrean Art:-

LADIES are informed tha darks satins and silks produce fine effects; also checked, striped, and figured materials, provided that they are not too light. The colours least suitable are white, light blue, and pink. Shawls, Scarfs, Mantles, and all flowing drapery, add materially to the beauty of the picture.

For GENTLEMEN. - Black, check, plaid, figured or fancy vests and neckerchiefs.

For CHILDREN. - If the Spencers are black, and the lower part of the dress of a light color, they are very pleasing. Lace and Ringlets much enhance the general effect.

Stereoscopic Portraits taken. Pictures copied.

A large assortment of Brooches, Lockets, &c., always on hand, and supplied with Portraits in the first style of Art.

Amateurs supplied with Passe-Partouts, Frames, Cases, Apparatus, Chemicals, Materials, &c.

15, High-street (adjoinining the Crown Hotel),

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